Vegetable Staging

Display Fashion
  • Lettuce: Heart facing the front of the table, with roots still attached in a tidy fashion.

  • Cabbage: Heart facing the front of the table, with roots still attached in a tidy fashion.

  • Celery: Trim roots to a tidy pattern.

  • Peas: Should be displayed on a plate in a wheel pattern.

  • Beans: Aligned in a straight line across the plate.

  • Shallots: Staged on dry sand, in a bowl, with neatly tied tops and roots trimmed back.

  • Onions: On rings or collars, (preferably cardboard), with tops neatly tied and roots trimmed.

  • Beetroot: Tops neatly tied and side roots removed. Take care not to bruise.

  • Carrots: Tops neatly tied and side roots removed. Take care not to bruise.

  • Parsnips: Tops neatly tied and side roots removed. Take care not to bruise.

  • Cauliflower: Trim back leaves to the same height / level as the curd.

  • Potatoes: Arrange on a plate to present their best side and remove any roots.

  • Vegetable Collection: Display on a towel in a side by side fashion, creating a neat overall display.

General Staging Tips
  • Paper plates are fine, but reusable "china" plates are better.

  • Ensure plates and bowls used are clean and chip free

  • Remove any soil from entries.

  • Ensure the produce is neat and tidy and trying to be blemish free.